これから、がんがん面白いアートを発信して、クリエイティビティを刺激していきます!まずは、Diesel Denim Galleryの展覧会を成功めざして頑張るぞ!
I am pleased to announce the opening of my company, MW Company.
After a career at Wieden + Kennedy, I've been non-stop just like Chi Peng's photography except being naked ;)
I've encountered many great people and experiences and became a totally obsessed with "art world". I've also met many inspirational artists and their works and I felt strongly that "It is time to do something about this!" and now I am here to announce my own company. It's been like having a crazy but amazing dream or something. To realize my real dream come true, I can not say how much I thank my dearest brother Shin san from Knock On Wood and my dearest husband Gino kun. Also, my favor people from Diesel, Mimu and Macky are pushing me to open the door for me.
I appreciate all my friend's great and continuous support! I will be spreading out many upcoming "amazing" artworks to share the excitement with you all!
To start, I'll do my best and enjoy upcoming
Diesel Denim Gallery exhibition!
All the best,